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Survey Creator

Introducing Pristo's survey creator

Pristo's survey creator is the ultimate survey software, offering an intuitive and flexible platform for conducting online and offline surveys. With our free survey creator, you can easily customize surveys according to your unique requirements.

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Ease of use and flexibility

Experience the ease of building interactive forms by drag and drop, providing unparalleled flexibility in creating dynamic surveys. Our survey platform empowers you to design surveys that perfectly align with your needs, all without the need for coding or technical expertise.

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Abundant survey templates

Explore a diverse array of survey templates that cater to various industries and survey purposes. From customer feedback to employee satisfaction, our survey tools offer a broad selection of templates, ensuring that you have the ideal starting point for your surveys.

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Comprehensive field options

Pristo's survey creator boasts an extensive range of field options, including GPS, camera, signature, Likert scale and file upload capabilities. This means you can gather location-based data, capture images and collect files seamlessly within your surveys, further enhancing your survey experience. Embrace the future of online and offline surveys Whether you're conducting online surveys or venturing into the realm of offline surveys, Pristo is your go-to solution. Embrace the power of our free survey creator to unlock limitless possibilities in survey creation and data collection, setting a new standard for survey excellence.

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Easily create your perfect survey with Pristo's survey creator

Tell us what you need, we will make it happen

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Mobile responsive

You need to be able to gather data on the go. That’s why we created the Pristo Survey App and ensured that all data collection projects are mobile optimized.

Easy to use

You don’t want to spend hours learning how to use a new tool. Pristo offers extensive features via an interface. Saving you time and hassle during the implementation process.


You’re gathering lots of data. That information needs to remain confidential. That’s why security is a core part of Pristo and why we are ISO 27001 and ISO 27017 certified.